Robert Levin invests in the Real Estate Finance Academy

Gies College of Business launched the Real Estate Finance Academy last fall to prepare selected students for careers in commercial real estate. Under the direction of Professor Seth Briggs, the Academy is a five-semester program offering additional courses, internships, case competitions, and networking opportunities in the field of real estate. Recently, Gies alumnus Robert Levin (FIN ’74) decided to financially support the Real Estate Finance Academy with a six-figure gift – an investment he hopes will provide returns for generations of talented students. 

“I credit the University of Illinois and Gies College of Business for teaching me critical thinking, implementation, solving problems and working towards optimal solutions. Using my U of I education, I was able to create unique programs in budgeting, cost accounting, commodity purchasing, reserve funding and foreclosed property valuation. Many do not realize that Gies Business needs alumni support in order to deliver top-tier programming and experiences for their students. 

“Give a man a fish, and you’ll feed him for a dayTeach a man to fish, and you’ve fed him for a lifetime.”

My mission, with a six-figure gift, is to give back my good fortune to others, so they may succeed in a similar manner. In turn, hopefully, our graduates will reciprocate, as the Real Estate Finance Academy will become a premier real estate program far beyond my lifetime.” – Robert Levin, FIN ’74

We want to thank Robert for his amazing contribution, and invite you to learn more about the Real Estate Finance Academy and program at Gies Business!