[dropcap]The actuarial science program at Illinois is pleased to announce a recently established scholarship fund, in honor of Professor Emeritus Esther Portnoy. Portnoy directed the actuarial science program from 1986
until her retirement in 2004. Although her 1969 PhD thesis was in differential geometry, in the mid 1970s Ken Appel encouraged her to pursue a professional actuarial credential, with the aim of establishing a formal program. She became a fellow of the Society of Actuaries in 1984. During Portnoy’s tenure as director, the actuarial science program at Illinois flourished. Enrollment increased significantly, corporate sponsorships expanded, and students receive essential training to prepare for advanced accreditation exams.[/dropcap]

This scholarship, founded in her name, will ensure that future actuarial scientists at Illinois, particularly those from underrepresented backgrounds, will continue to thrive and contribute to leading actuarial research.